As a senior, the world can feel like a dangerous place right now. The threat of COVID-19 has all America’s isolating themselves in their homes. Although social distancing is important, it can feel very lonely – especially for seniors that live alone.
Here are some tips on staying healthy and connected while confined to your home.
Staying Positive While We Fight Off COVID-19
Use Alternative Meeting Methods
Are you part of a book club? Do you have weekly meetings with your friends? Instead of missing out on their companionship, take it virtual. Programs like Skype, FaceTime, Zoom, and even Facebook make it simple to start a conversation with all of your friends. Stay out of harm’s way by enjoying your gathering from the comfort of your living room.
Try Remote Volunteering
If being involved in your community is important, social distancing can take a toll on your mental health. Many organizations are giving volunteers the opportunity to still serve their organization from their own homes. Nonprofits, political parties, faith-based groups, etc. may be an alternative for you to consider participating in.
Incorporate the Buddy System
Recommended by the CDC, the “buddy system” is a means of staying in constant communication with individuals that may be hard to reach. Whether you’re reaching out to family or friends, it’s important to keep the conversation going. Did you see an old friend using social media? You can even use this time to reconnect with past acquaintances.
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Practice a News Diet for Mental Health
As tempting as it can be to have the news on 24-hours a day, constant unpleasant information is bad for your health. In order to protect your mind and body, put yourself on a news diet. Choose specific times during the day, perhaps in the morning and at night, to listen to 30 minutes to an hour of broadcasts. Time away will help you continue to have a positive attitude throughout this difficult time.
Learn a New Exercise
One of the best ways to keep your immune system boosted is a healthy diet and exercise. Although it may not be ideal to go to a public gym, it’s important to keep moving even while you are at home. Try gentle exercises like Tai Chi and Yoga from Silver Sneakers to get your blood flowing.
Cook a New Recipe
Choosing healthy foods while at home is imperative. Instead of eating the same thing every day, experiment with some newer recipes you haven’t tried before. Great options would be meals with high antioxidants and other immune-boosting ingredients. Here are three recipes you may enjoy, as seen on the Today Show.
Local authorities are aware of your difficult situation. There are measures being taken to help support you and to help you maintain a normal lifestyle. For example, some grocery stores in Southern California have begun to offer senior shopping hours. Follow us on social media to stay up to date on the changes made for seniors.
Contact us at 951-686-3608 to find out how we can help.