The main difference with informal vs formal court accounting is the comprehensiveness of the accounting. Informal is often used when there is no beneficiary disagreement, while formal is often required when there is concern that estate’s assets were not properly managed. Probate is the legal process of authenticating a will and distributing assets after someone dies. It involves locating and determining the value of the deceased’s assets and paying final bills and taxes before distributing the remaining estate to the beneficiaries. The deceased’s estate can be settled through informal or formal court accountings, but what exactly is the difference between the two processes?
What is Informal Accounting?
Informal accounting of an estate is performed by the executor, who was appointed by the deceased.
During the process of informal accounting, the executor reviews and interprets the will to determine the deceased’s wishes for asset distribution. This may include all types of assets such as cars, jewelry, stocks and bonds, primary residence, and other real estate. Each asset will be valued at the date of death using tools like the Kelly Blue Book or a third-party appraiser. Depending on the type of asset, it may be beneficial to have an attorney present to help determine the accurate value and the best course of action for each asset.
Next, the executor uses the cash balance to pay off all debts owed and prepares a list of the remaining assets to be reviewed and approved by the beneficiaries. It is also recommended that the executor have bank and escrow statements before and after everything was sold, to clearly show the net gains/losses from the process.
After all of the beneficiaries have approved, and the executor submits a final accounting of the estate to the court, then the assets can be distributed, and the executor can close out the estate.
What is Formal Court Accounting?
Formal court accounting must be performed by a court-appointed administrator. Formal accounting must take place if no will exists, the deceased did not appoint an executor, or if the beneficiaries are disputing the distribution of assets.
Related Article: Why You Need Professional Court Accountings
During this process, the court-appointed administrator must decide what assets go to each beneficiary. Formal accounting must also be presented to the court in legal proceedings during which beneficiaries can argue about the distribution of assets before the judge makes a final decision.
Formal court accounting can cost the estate quite a bit of money due to attorney costs, court fees, and the cost of a court-appointed administrator. With formal accounting, the probate process can also take years as beneficiaries argue over the deceased’s assets.
Related Article: What is Formal Court Accounting & When is it Needed?
Is Informal or Formal Court Accounting Right for You?
If there is no disagreement among beneficiaries and all other requirements are met, informal court accounting is likely the best course of action. Informal accounting is significantly less expensive, with minimal costs for property transfer and filing documents. With informal accounting, the executor can also settle liabilities and distribute assets in as little as six months.
On the other hand, formal court accounting is much more comprehensive. Formal court accountings can show whether or not there has been any misappropriation of assets or mismanagement of funds. They can also prove that an estate’s assets were not properly managed or even if a trustee did something unlawful. Overall, formal court accounting requires a much greater level of detail.
Have More Questions or Need Court Accouting?
Marcia L Campbell, CPA has over 25 years of experience providing professional court accounting support. If you have any additional questions or need help with your court accountings, please contact us.
Have a question,
In Pennsylvania as a beneficiary do I get the right automatically to an accounting or to see documents in an informal accounting? Is it a requirement of the estate to have beneficiaries all sign to approve?
Hi Davis,
The laws in Pennsylvania are different than those in California.
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What do the courts do if a formal accounting isnt possible?
Hi, I have a question. How long does an informal accounting usually take in California, if requested?
Walter, You can call our office at 1(951)686-3608 or fill out our contact form for more information: